Links between alcohol misuse and mental health examined in Liverpool roundtable discussion

What can we learn about the links between alcohol misuse and mental health? That is the question that was posed during a roundtable discussion of experts and people with learned experience in Liverpool.

The Liverpool Centre for Alcohol Research (LCAR) hosted the event in partnership with Liverpool Health Partners and those working in services for people with co-occurring conditions in Liverpool were invited to join academic partners for joint learning and networking.

The roundtable included updates on research and policy in addition to an opportunity to learn from a range of professional experience.

Chaired and organised by Dr Laura Goodwin, Senior Lecturer in the Epidemiology of Mental Health and Addiction, the meeting was introduced by Melissa Rice, author and creator the award-winning BBC podcast, Hooked, who gave a powerful talk on lived experience, in addition to a strong message of support from Dan Carden, MP.

In preparation for breakout group discussion, we heard from Jo-Anne Puddephat, PhD student and Research Associate from The University of Liverpool, who shared an interesting overview of findings from previous meetings, in addition to work concerning a live survey for completion by professionals providing services for those with co-occurring mental health and alcohol use disorders.

The event also included a fascinating presentation from Prof Liz Hughes of Edinburgh Napier University. Prof Hughes is a mental health nurse by background, who worked in acute inpatient mental health settings, and drug and alcohol treatment services. She provided an overview from the RECO study (Realist Evaluation of service models and systems for co-existing serious mental health and substance use condition).

The meeting closed with a summary from Dr Goodwin concerning next steps, which will include the development of recommendations, in addition to an application for PhD funding to support the work in partnership with Ms Rice, Mr Carden and Alcohol Change UK.

The survey remains open for colleagues working in services for people with co-occurring conditions is Liverpool and may be accessed via this link.